H&H Salesman Hickman

Noah Hickman

The son of the founder, Noah Hickman joined the family business full time in 1989. He began his career pushing a broom but soon became a production employee. He learned to grind, fill, build and repair the O.T.R. tire. In a very short time he had mastered the knowledge of tire composition, construction and proper field application.

Noah soon assumed the responsibility of assisting in the supervision of one of the Nation’s largest O.T.R. tire inventory and began traveling the globe in search of quality O.T.R. casings and repairable tires. He shared the responsibility of shipping and receiving and also began to develop his up-front and forthright sales approach that has become the H&H style.

For several years Noah served as the only direct sales representative. The continued strong growth of the company can be directly attributed to his unfaltering and steadfast dedication to his customer and product.

While serving his company as Vice President, Noah’s passionate approach to his responsibilities has assisted him in opening doorways to the global marketplace. The family-owned business has introduced itself and its product to many customers in nearly every continent around the globe.

As the President of H&H, Noah has directly overseen the metamorphosis of this company from industry commonplace to the industry’s most technologically advanced facility. The changes, although astounding, pale in comparison to the changes made to reflect his personal management philosophy.

Ken Daniels

Ken came to H&H during its infancy in the spring of 1972.

The past fifty two years has brought Ken from an after-school tire changer to one of the nation’s leading O.T.R. repair and remanufacturing experts. The contributions to H&H and the industry as a whole remain incalculable at the very least.

As VP, COO and part owner, Ken looks over the day to day production as well as shipping, receiving and invoicing.

Under Ken’s direction, H&H was the first to remanufacture the 57 inch tire and the first to develop and produce pre-cure tread rubber for the O.T.R. tire. In late 2020, H&H purchased the molds used by Continuum and launched it’s NeXus Retread Products and Services line and now is the only producer of OTR premolded tread rubber in the United States.

Much of the repair and manufacturing material used by H&H is produced exclusively for H&H and has been designed by Ken Daniels. Many of Ken’s visions and accomplishments have served to set H & H apart from the industry competition while many more have become industry standards.

Brian Thompson

Brian came to H&H immediately following his service in Iraq and honorable military discharge.

Brian contributes a very acute understanding of heavy equipment and the various applications the equipment may be subjected to by combining this expertise with his understanding of the H&H remanufacturing and repair process. In addition to these duties, Brian also often travels throughout the nation examining tire applications and products sold by H&H.

During these travels Brian also enjoys visiting with our many customers along his route. Brian is a key member of the H&H team, and his interaction with our customers shows how invaluable he is and the type of relationship he builds with our partners is based on our foundation of customer satisfaction.

Now, along with sales, Brian is the Executive officer of H&H’s daily operations. He is a member of the core management team and is a vital component in the future of the company. Brian’s never say quit attitude and aptitude for anything he puts his mind to make him a natural born leader. He has become an integral part of the business as well as a part of our family. His many contributions continue to grow, such as being the project leader on such key items as implementing the TireSystem© program as well as computer related services.

Should your ever have a question concerning application or have a particular tire need Brian is available 24 hours a day to accept your calls and assist you with any of your needs.

Keith Clark

General Manager / Sales

Keith Clark first came to H&H Industries in 1995, after his service in the Marines and an honorable discharge. He began his career in production and after serving in nearly all positions and aspects of production, Keith naturally and comfortably stepped up to his current management position of general manager.

Keith handles all of our production facility. He has been instrumental in keeping H&H a state of the art retread and repair provider, and helping provide the highest quality in the market. Also, like all of the core management team, Keith also performs sales to customers, application inspections, on site visits as well as the over-all operations management of our facility and staff.

Keith’s knowledge and know-how represent themselves well to H&H customers. His daily communications provide the satisfaction that our products and our staff have the customers best interest in mind. Keith has the integrity and fortitude that represents the company’s values and is another key individual and core management leader in the company’s continued success. His loyalty, experience and the example he sets for all our team members has proven why our team is above par.

Allen Simpson

Operations Manager / Sales

Al joined the H&H team as a part time employee in the summer of 2002 and became a full time employee in late 2003 serving the maintenance department.

Al was later transferred to production where he performed many functions over the years and proved himself to be an asset to the company. He eventually was made assistant shift foreman, and then shift foreman as his leadership qualities grew and his role with H&H expanded.

After moving up the ranks and providing exemplary work skills and professionalism, Al was made plant production manager. He oversaw all aspects of production and daily plant operations. With his years of hands on experience and knowledge Al has been an integral part of our day to day operations.

In 2016, Al took a position as with our office staff and started in sales. Since then, Al has become our Operations Manager and handles not only logistics and sales, but helps maintain the production schedules and quality assistance. Al also is part of the core management team that leads the business in all it’s success. His perseverance and faith bring our core values to light and help us maintain our long term pledge to be the best we can be, everyday. Al’s commitment to H&H and dedication to the brand, bring us to another level of customer satisfaction and product quality.

Rusty Hatten

Operations / Sales/OTR Procurement Manager

Rusty joined the team in March of 2019. While his experience in the OTR world was slim; his passion, dedication, and work ethic make up for it. Rusty takes pride in his work, and settles for nothing less than his best effort, regardless of the task in front of him. Rusty has strong communication skills. His ability to form relationships with those he meets is valued in our industry. Rusty is trustworthy and dependable, which is something that we take pride in here at H&H.

Rusty was born and raised in the hills of Southeastern Ohio. He graduated from Jackson High School in 2013 and went on to pursue a degree at Ohio University for the 5 years following. Rusty worked in the Carpenters Union before joining our H&H team. He has a wife and daughter that make up his support system outside of work. Rusty takes his family very seriously and he enjoys being a family man. He is an avid outdoorsman; when not at work you can find him in the woods, on the water, or a combination of the two. He also enjoys supporting his favorite sports teams.

Rusty is wasting no time making a name for himself in this business. We value the knowledge and understanding he brings to the table day in and day out. His ability to be a team player make him a strong asset to our company.

Ronnie Moore

Logistics / Operations

Ronnie is a native of Oak Hill and has been with the H&H family since October 2004. Ronnie grew through our ranks over the years, performing just about all the steps in the retread process and has become a valued member of our core team. His loyalty and dedication to H&H is only surpassed by his love and commitment to his family. Ronnie is another example of the trust, faith and loyalty, we at H&H build together to function at higher levels then some other companies; all to be able to better serve our customers with the very best communication and service in the OTR retread and repair industry.

Michele Clark

Chief Administrative Officer

Michele Clark is the chief administrative officer for H&H. She wears many hats, runs our office on a daily basis and is a key member of our core team. Michele came to us from being a corrections officer, so her leadership, organizational and managerial skills are a valued asset to us. Michele started at H&H in 2011 and moved quickly into her current role due to her work ethic and passion for the business. Michele’s discipline, hard work and dedication set a high bar for the rest of us and her commitment and pride for the company is only surpassed by her love for her family.

Ashley Hammond

Administrative Manager / Sales

Ashley Hammond, also a local native, joined us early in 2021 primarily as an administrative assistant due to her background in accounting but has quickly added other roles to her daily schedule such as customer representative, customer scheduling, tire data entry, customer tire reports and other duties to her continually expanding roles. With Ashely’s natural sales ability, Ashley has become one of our key NeXus retread product associates and her growth in our accounting department has led her to be our new Administrative Manager. Her communication skills and quick thinking continue to make her a growing asset to our ranks. Ashley has already become a part of the family and an integral part of the core team due to her knowledge, drive and passion for what we do.

JT Davis

Operations / Sales

JT is from Jackson, Ohio and started with H&H in 2022. He works hand-in- hand with our accounting associates as well as sales support. His ability to learn on the fly has enabled him to quickly move into being the primary person working in our TireSystem to collectively handle our customer tires as they arrive at our facility. JT also helps our associates with customer tire reports monthly production and as well as other duties and is continually expanding his role in our core team. Like the rest of us, JT wears many hats and has taken to the OTR industry like he was born for it.

Mark Perry

Driver Representative

Most of our business partners know or have at least met Mark Perry. Mark is another of our company reps and has been with H&H the longest. I’ve known Mark since I was a kid and I’d see him and his wife, Kathy and their family at local horse shows. Like most of us here, Mark is a true cowboy. His personality, honesty, integrity and loyalty to H&H have not only helped maintain our customer base, but also helped expand it. Mark is a perfect example of the quote “If people like you they’ll listen to you, but if they trust you, they’ll do business with you.”

Brian McCleese

Driver Representative

This is our representative, Brian McCleese. Brian is a native of Southern Ohio and has been an invaluable asset to our organization for the 7 years he’s been with us. Brian’s good nature and positive attitude is dwarfed only by his stature. His dedication and hard work provide our customers with our very best service and you can tell he cares for them as well as our brand. The phrase, “When the customer comes first, the customer will last” epitomizes his attitude towards our relationships with our customers.  We’re proud to have Brian represent our family.

Brian Shepard

Driver Representative

Brian Shepard has been with us since March 2019. Brian is a native of Southern Ohio, born in Portsmouth and raised there until his enlistment in the U.S. Navy in 1990-1993. During the past years, Brian’s earned his place with us and continues to give his all, working hard to build our relationships with our customers through sincerity, honesty, and dependability. Brian has an unwavering work ethic and his loyalty to H&H has become apparent over the past few years. As he continues with H&H, we look forward to growing our routes, customer base and the H&H brand with Brian.